Discover Timeless Masterpiece
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Keeping the Beauty Timeless

- Sweep & mop regularly, daily if possible.
- Clean up liquid stains or dust as soon as possible.
- Re-polish every few years.
- Wax or polish cement tiles with cement tiles wax.
- For external stains (grout, glue, paint, cement, mold), wet the surface and sand with fine sandpaper.

- Avoid cleaning cement tiles with acidic substances or
- HCl, as it damages the surface.
- Do not use bleach or chlorine.
- Don’t use coarse, abrasive discs; cement tiles require gentler polishing than marble, as their colored layer is only 2mm thick.
- Avoid direct sunlight to prevent discoloration and cracking.
- Clean stains (juice, soap, rain, dust) promptly to prevent absorption and damage, as cement tiles are porous.
Wrong handling & installations examples

Tiles are exposed to bleach/acidic cleaning products. White spots indicates pigment discoloration.

Installation is not neat and the tiles weren’t clean right before polishing.

Dust and stains has been on the surface for months so the tiles absorb it, making it hard to clean.

Using abrasive polishing technique damages the surface of the tiles.

Tiles weren’t cleaned before polishing. Grouting is not even and all over the place. Grouting/cement below the tiles were not even. Grouting/cement below tiles were possible not dry yet when the tiles are polished.